
Android: Refresh bitmap with new data

I am trying to create a 15fps "bitmap video" of random pixel colors. The following code displays one bitmap correctly, however does not update/refresh the image with a new random one. Can anyone please help me figure out why?

public class ViewThread extends Thread {
    private SurfaceHolder mHolder;
    private Panel mPanel;
    private boolean mRun = false;

    public View开发者_运维技巧Thread( Panel panel) {
        mPanel = panel;
        mHolder = mPanel.getHolder();

    public void setRunning(boolean run) {
        mRun = run;

    public void run() {
        Canvas canvas = null;
        while (mRun) {
            canvas = mHolder.lockCanvas();
            if (canvas != null) {

public class Panel extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
    private ViewThread mThread;
    private Bitmap mBitmap;
    private int[]   mcolors;

    public Panel(Context context) {

    private void init() {
        mThread = new ViewThread(this);

        // create a graphic
        mcolors = colorMap(); 
        int[] colors = mcolors; 
        mBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(colors, 64, 64, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);  
        mBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBitmap, 256, 256, false);

    protected void doDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, 8, 8, null);

    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {

    public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
        if (!mThread.isAlive()) {
            mThread = new ViewThread(this);

    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
         if (mThread.isAlive()) {

private static int[] colorMap() {

     int[] ltable = { 0xff000000, 0xff00000f, 0xff00001e, 0xff00002d, 0xff00003c, 0xff00004b, 
                    0xff00005a, 0xff000069, 0xff000078, 0xff000087, 0xff000096, 0xff0000a5, 
                    0xff0000b4, 0xff0000c3, 0xff0000d2, 0xff0000e1, 0xff0000f0, 0xff0000ff,
                    0xff0f00ff, 0xff1e00ff, 0xff2d00ff, 0xff3c00ff, 0xff4b00ff, 0xff5a00ff,
                    0xff6900ff, 0xff7800ff, 0xff8700ff, 0xff9600ff, 0xffa500ff, 0xffb400ff, 
                    0xffc300ff, 0xffd200ff, 0xffe100ff, 0xfff000ff, 0xffff00ff, 0xffff00f0,
                    0xffff00e1, 0xffff00d2, 0xffff00c3, 0xffff00b4, 0xffff00a5, 0xffff0096,
                    0xffff0087, 0xffff0078, 0xffff0069, 0xffff005a, 0xffff004b, 0xffff003c,
                    0xffff002d, 0xffff001e, 0xffff000f, 0xffff0000 };

     int[] mcolors = new int[4096];
     Random rand = new Random();

     for(int i=0; i < 4096; i++)
         int num = rand.nextInt(52); 
         mcolors[i] = ltable[num];

     return mcolors;


It appears to me that you are calling your thread only once when surfaceCreated() is called. After that, your thread is never called again. I believe you need something like timer and reinitiate thread or call thread run() method to display another image.


Few other things

1) Recreate your canvas holder in every while loop.

while (run) {
         c = null;
         try {
            c =  panel.getHolder().lockCanvas();

2) Also, after android 1.5 a surfaceview can't be refresh more 40-45 time per second so try reducing fps to 30 and see if it makes any difference.

Example: http://www.anddev.org/android-2d-3d-graphics-opengl-problems-f55/surfaceview-portage-1-5-other-version-of-android-t15675.html





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