Get the coordinates of a matrix from its flatten index
How can we get the coordinates of a n dimensions matrix from its shape and its flatten index?
I mean, if for example I have the following (2,3) matrix of 2 dimensions:
[ [ 0, 1 ],
[ 2, 3 ],
[ *4*, 5 ] ]
...and I want to find the value of the index in bold from the coordinates [0,2], how can I do?
Or if I have this (2,2,5) matrix of 3 dimensions:
[ [ [ nil, nil ],
[ nil, nil ] ],
[ [ nil, nil ],
[ nil, nil ] ],
[ [ nil, *9* ],
[ nil, nil ] ],
[ [ nil, nil ],
[ nil, nil ] ],
[ [ nil, nil ],
[ nil, nil ] ] ]
...and I know the coordinates that I want have a flatten index value of 9, how can I find the relative coordinates are: [1,0,2]?
If possible, I would like to know a general and simple method, which work on matrix of any 开发者_如何转开发shape.
Many thanks for your help.
You can use this simple algorithm:
Let's say you have the matrix A[a][b][c][d] (where a,b,c,d are the dimensions) and the index X.
To get the first coordinate of the index X you simply divide X by b*c*d.
Let it be this next matrix, having the sizes [2][5] and the index X=7
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
You first divide X by the last dimension to find the first coordinate. X/5=1 . Then, from there you move forward and give X the value X%=5 . So you'll have X = 7%5 =2. Now you have to search the coordinates for the remaining dimensions using the same algorithm. If you reach the last dimension , the coordinate will be the remaining X, in this case 2. So the coordinates for X=7 are [1][2] , which is actually the answear.
Again, for the general case, where you have a,b,c,d dimensions.
I'll note with (yd) the y'th dimension.
X gets value X % b*c*d
X gets value X % c*d
X gets value X % d
If you had the dimensions [2][2][5] you would get:
(1d) = 9/2*5 = 0
X = 9%10 = 9
(2d) = 9/5 = 1
X = 9%5 = 4
(3d) = 4
Result: [0][1][4] is the 9th element.
To get from [0][1][4] to the index 9 , you do the reverse algorithm by multiplying:
X=(1d)*b*c + (2d)*c + 3d = 0 + 1*5 +4 =9