
Can hashCode() have dynamically changeable content?

In my implementation, I have a class A which overrides equals(Object) and hashCode(). But I have a small doubt that is, while adding the instance of A to HashSet/HashMap the value of th开发者_C百科e hashCode() is x, after sometime the value of the same hashCode() changed to y. Will it effect anything?

The hash code mustn't change after it's been added to a map / set. It's okay for it to change before that, although it generally makes the type easier to work with if it doesn't change.

If the hash code changes, the key won't be found in the map / set, as even if it ends up in the same bucket, the hash code will be changed first.

When the return value of hashCode() or equals() changes while the object is contained in HashMap/HashSet etc., the behavior is undefined (you could get all kinds of strange behavior). So one must avoid such mutation of keys while the object is contained in such collections etc.

It is considered best to use only immutable objects for keys (or place them in a HashSet etc.). In fact python for example, does not allow mutable objects to be used as keys in maps. It is permissive/common to use mutable objects as keys in Java, but in such case it is advisable to make such objects "effectively immutable". I.e. do not change the state of such objects at all after instantiation.

To give an example, using a list as a key in a Map is usually considered okay, but you should avoid mutating such lists at any point of your application to avoid getting bitten by nasty bugs.

As long as you don't change the return value of hashCode() and equals() while the objects are in the container, you should be ok on paper. But one could easily introduce nasty, hard to find bugs by mistake so it's better to avoid the situation altogether.

Yes, the hash code of an object must not change during its lifetime. If it does, you need to notify the container (if that's possible); otherwise you will can get wrong results.

Edit: As pointed out, it depends on the container. Obviously, if the container never uses your hashCode or equals methods, nothing will go wrong. But as soon as it tries to compare things for equality (all maps and sets), you'll get yourself in trouble.

Yes. Many people answered the question here, I just want to say an analogy. Hash code is something like address in hash-based collection:

Imagine you check in a hotel by your name "Mike", after that you change your name to "GreatMike" on check-paper. Then when someone looks for you by your name "Mike", he cannot find you anymore.





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