
SQL Upon finding duplicate key, replace entire entry

I have an insert query for MySQL that looks like this:

INSERT INTO table (foo, bar, fooo, baar, etc) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)

It is used in a script to migrate some columns and keeps encountering duplicate primary keys. (Old database was awful and poorly maintained).

Is there a way I can just tell it to replace the whole offending row with the current values tossing out the old stuff entirely? I know there is an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE command, but I don't know if it would help me as all I've seen it used for is incrementing.

ANSWER: INSERT INTO table (foo, bar, fooo, baar, etc) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE foo=?, bar=?, fooo=?, baar=?, etc=?

Keep in 开发者_Python百科mind that you have to add the values in the referenced array again to account for the extra question marks.

on duplicate key update should work, as should a replace statement.

From MySQL manual:

If you specify ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, and a row is inserted that would cause a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY, an UPDATE of the old row is performed.

What you said:

Is there a way I can just tell it to replace the whole offending row with the current values tossing out the old stuff entirely?

Conclusion: why don't you just try it? It seems it does exactly what you want.

Edit: Since you haven't provided any examples of what you were trying to do, I'll use some from MySQL's website.

INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)

Or if you want something that relates more to real world:

INSERT INTO table(int_field, str_field, float_field) VALUES (15, 'some string', '1.22') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE int_field = 15, str_field = 'some_string', float_field = '1.22';





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