How to find string length in php with out using strlen()?
How can you find the length开发者_开发知识库 of a string in php with out using strlen()
I know this is a pretty old issue, but this piece of code worked for me.
$s = 'string';
while ($s[$i] != '') {
print $i;
$tmp = ''; $i = 0;
while (isset($inputstring[$i])){
$tmp .= $inputstring[$i];
echo $i; //final string count
echo $tmp; // Read string
while - Iterate the string character 1
by 1
- gives the final count of string.
- check character exist(null) or not.
I guess there's the mb_strlen()
It's not strlen()
, but it does the same job (with the added bonus of working with extended character sets).
If you really want to keep away from anything even related to strlen()
, I guess you could do something like this:
$length = count(str_split($string));
I'm sure there's plenty of other ways to do it too. The real question is.... uh, why?
Lets be silly
function stupidCheck($string)
$count = 0;
for($i=0; $i<66000; $i++)
if(@$string[$i] != "")$count++;
else break;
return $count;
Simply you can use the below code.
echo $i; // Here $i has length of string and the answer will be for this string is 5.
The answer given by Vaibhav Jain will throw the following notice on the last index.
Notice: Uninitialized string offset
I would like to give an alternative for this:
$str = 'India';
$i = 0;
while(@$str[$i]) {
echo 'Length of ' . $str . ' is ' . $i . '.';
— Get string length
$string ='test strlen check';
print 'mb_strlen(): ' . mb_strlen( $string, 'utf8' ) . "\n\n";
synatx: int mb_strlen ( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ] )
str - The string being checked for length.
encoding - The encoding parameter is the character encoding. If it is omitted, the internal character encoding value will be used.
In newer PHP versions, you can use null coalescing operator
to achieve this.
$string = 'test';
for($i = 0; ($string[ $i] ?? false) !== false; ++$i);
echo $i;// outputs length of the string.
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You could also cheat with something like:
print strtok(substr(serialize($string), 2), ":");
Or this one is quite amusing:
print array_sum(count_chars($string));
function mystrlen($str)
$i = 0;
while ($str != '')
$str = substr($str, 1);
return $i;
function findStringLength($string) {
$length = 0;
$lastStringChar1 = '1';
$lastStringChar2 = '2';
$string1 = $string . $lastStringChar1;
$string2 = $string . $lastStringChar2;
while ($string1[$length] != $lastStringChar1 || $string2[$length] != $lastStringChar2) {
return $length;
You can use this code for finding string length without using strlen() function.
function stringlength($withoutstringlength)
$n = 0;
while(substr($withoutstringlength, $n, $n+1) != '')//General syntax substr(string,start,length)
echo $n;
stringlength("i am a php dev");
Try this:
function length($value){
if(empty($value[1])) return 1;
$n = 0;
return $n+1;
This doesn't use loops but may face the O(n) issue if strrpos uses strlen internally.
function length($str)
return strrpos($str.'_', '_', -1);
function my_strlen($str)
for($i=-1; isset($str[++$i]); );
return $i;
echo my_strlen("q");
$str = "Hello World";
$count= 0;
while( isset($str[$count]) && $str[$count] ) {
echo $count;
Renverser un charactère sans Function
class StringFunction {
public function strCount($string) {
//isset pour cacher l'erreur
// Notice: Uninitialized string offset
while(isset($string[$cpt])) {
return $cpt;
public function reverseChar($str) {
//mes indexes
$start = 0;
$end = $this->strCount($str)-1;
//Si $start est inférieur à $end
while ($start < $end) {
//change position du charactère
$temp = $str[$start];
$str[$start] = $str[$end];
$str[$end] = $temp;
return $str;
$string = "Bonjour";
$a = new StringFunction();
echo $string . "<br>";
echo $a->reverseChar($string);
This code will help you when you don't want to use any inbuilt function of php. You can test this here also
$stings="Hello how are you?";
echo $ctr;
$str = "aabccdab";
$i = 0;
$temp = array();
echo $str[$i];
$count = 0;
$temp[$str[$i]] = $temp[$str[$i]]+1;
$temp[$str[$i]] = 1;
It's going to be a heavy work for your server, but a way to handle it.
} else {
break; // Prevent errors with return.
return $c;
$str = "STRING";
$i=0; $count = 0;
while((isset($str{$i}) && $str{$i} != "")){
$i++; $count++;
print $count;
This can also help -
$s = 'string';
$temp = str_split($s); // Convert a string to an array by each character
// if don't want the spaces
$temp = array_filter($temp); // remove empty values
echo count($temp); // count the number of element in array
$arr = array('vadapalanai','annanager','chennei','salem','coimbatore');
$min = $arr[0];
$max = $arr[0];
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
if (strlen($min) > strlen($val)) {
$min = $val ;
if(strlen($max) < strlen($val)){
$max = $val;
echo "The shortest array length is : " .$min. " ".strlen($min);
echo "<br>";
echo "The longest array length is: " .$max. " ".strlen($max);
$str = 'I am XYZ'
$count = 0;
while (isset($str[$i])) {
$count = $i;
echo $count;