
Xcode sometimes forget resources

I'm experiencing this huge problem. I've got one iOS app that I use as base-ground for others开发者_开发问答. Usually I copy the project in different directories and then overwrite the graphs resources with others with the same name and same sizes in res.

The problem is that sometimes Xcode (both 3 and 4) forget some of them, even if they are present and linked in the resources group. I've noticed also that they are present in the "Copy Bundle Resources" of target. The error happens on device and simulator.

It always happens with images especially the one with different suffix such as: ~ipad,@2x

Some clues:

-deleted all .svn hidden folders

-the image is not referenced in any xib, but only in code

-the name is correct ( I'm aware that simulator isn't case sensitive while the device is)

-the target of the file is set corrctly in itself and also in the "Copy Bundled Resources"

-changing the name of the file (and code, of course) doesn't change this weird behavior

-"touch" the file doesn't change

-clean all target doesn't make any difference

-restore simulator doesn't make any difference

-file isn't localized

-deleting the file and add it again doesn't affect the problem

-Inside the .app package the image is present

Is there a hidden directory or something????or a plist with the referenced resources?

Thanks for the help, Andrea

Solved!!!! I've delete ALL .svn folders inside the main project folder. Open the project, clean targets, restored iphone simulator. Everything seems to be ok.

How to show .svn folders. In terminal write:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE

killall Finder

To restore the previous config:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE

killall Finder

Hope this helps. Ciao, Andrea





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