
Javascript calendar [closed]

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I am working on a simple availability/booking system for a small hostel and am looking for a useful ja开发者_如何学运维vascript/jquery calendar.

I need this calendar to render available/blocked dates, a user has to be able to select dates (date range) and possibly the calendar has the ability to display days in different range (1row x31 days, 2rows x16days, multiple months)

I spent some time trying to configure .net calendar, but did not get the results I wanted.

Thanks for help

FullCalendar jQuery Plugin is probably the most flexible one out there.

jQueryUI has a datepicker which is probably exactly what you want

Look at YUI Calendar? http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/calendar/

or DynArch http://www.dynarch.com/projects/calendar

or use Jquery UI





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