Plone 4 related items back reference issue
I failed to find back reference object for related items.
my code:
back_rels = list(catalog.findRelations({'开发者_开发问答to_id': intids.getId(aq_base(self.context))}))
for rel in back_rels:
ob = portal.unrestrictedTraverse(rel.from_path)
It throws exception when running at ob = portal.unrestrictedTraverse(rel.from_path).
Debug results:
> len(back_rels)
> 1
> rel
> <z3c.relationfield.relation.RelationValue object at oxoA86f8f0>
> rel.from_path
> 'new-grants-target-bioterrorism'
> rel.to_path
> '/portal/urnews/ur-gets-20-million-for-biodefense-studies'
I guess the problem is the rel.from_path doesn't return the full path like the rel.to_path does.
My question is how can rel.from_path return with full path and get right object at
I am running Plone 4 and use dexterity content type.
Unfortunately you can't access from_object directy. It is explained in this issue
Use from_id, which stores IntId and use IntIds utility to retrieve the particular object:
from Acquisition import aq_inner
from zope.component import getUtility
from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds
from import checkPermission
from zc.relation.interfaces import ICatalog
def back_references(source_object, attribute_name):
""" Return back references from source object on specified attribute_name """
catalog = getUtility(ICatalog)
intids = getUtility(IIntIds)
result = []
for rel in catalog.findRelations(
obj = intids.queryObject(rel.from_id)
if obj is not None and checkPermission('zope2.View', obj):
return result