Ruby: How do I selectively remove line wrapping from a text file?
I want to edit the following text so that every line begins with Dealer:. This means no wrapping/line breaks. For lines starting with System, wrapping is fine.
What would a solution in ruby look like? Thanks
This is located in a .txt file
Dealer: 5 seconds left to act
Dealer: hitman2714 wins the pot (9) Dealer: Hand #1684326626D Dealer: Guitou699 has 5 seconds left to act Dealer: Guit¤u699 has timed out Dealer: baj Hasan has 5 seconds left to act Dealer: baj Hasan has timed out Dealer: hitman2714 has 5 sec开发者_如何转开发onds left to act Dealer: hitman2714 has timed out System: The nightly $10,000 guarantee will be starting in 20 minutes Dealer: Dealer: Hand #1684326626D Dealer: Perspextive posts the big blind of 25Desired output:
Dealer: 5 seconds left to act
Dealer: hitman2714 wins the pot (9) Dealer: Hand #1684326626D Dealer: Guitou699 has 5 seconds left to act Dealer: Guit¤u699 has timed out Dealer: baj Hasan has 5 seconds left to act Dealer: baj Hasan has timed out Dealer: hitman2714 has 5 seconds left to act Dealer: hitman2714 has timed out System: The nightly $10,000 guarantee will be starting in 20 minutes Dealer: Dealer: Hand #1684326626D Dealer: Perspextive posts the big blind of 25remove_newline = false
ARGF.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^(Dealer|System): /
puts if remove_newline
remove_newline = ($1 == 'Dealer')
line.sub!(/\n/, ' ') if remove_newline
print line
If you don't mind eliminating the wrapping on the "System" lines, and if the file is small enough, you can do something like this:
puts ARGF.readlines.join('').gsub(/\n(?!Dealer: |System: )/, ' ')
previous = ''
ARGF.each_with_index do |line, i|
unless i == 0
if line =~ /^Dealer/ || line =~ /^System/
puts previous
previous = line
previous << (previous =~ /^System/ ? "\n" : " ") << line
previous = line
puts previous
Uses STDIN and STDOUT for input and output.
content.gsub(/^(.*)\n(?!(Dealer|System|\Z))/, '\1 ')
Why use ruby if this kind of tool already exists
cat oldfile | grep ^Dealer: > newfile
If this is supposed to be part of a bigger ruby application, then there is nothing wrong with doing it in ruby.
content= content.grep(/^Dealer:/), "w") { |f| f.write(content) }