Various Date-picker for Wicket
So far I found two date-picker in wicket:
- org.apache.wicket.extensions.yui.calendar.DatePicker
- org.wicketstuff.dojo.markup.html.form.DojoDatePicker
The navigation for year is not present in the wicket-extensions' date-picker, also so far I found 1.3.0-beta version of wicket-stuff's date-picker, and perhaps this causes the following error messages in my console:
10:35:15,108 INFO [STDOUT] 2011-05-12 10:35:15,108 [http-] ERROR [org.apache.wicket.request.target开发者_JS百科.resource.SharedResourceRequestTarget] - shared resource org.wicketstuff.dojo.AbstractDefaultDojoBehavior/dojo-0.4/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorian.js not found
10:35:15,148 INFO [STDOUT] 2011-05-12 10:35:15,148 [http-] ERROR [] - shared resource org.wicketstuff.dojo.AbstractDefaultDojoBehavior/dojo-0.4/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en/gregorianExtras.js not found
10:35:15,165 INFO [STDOUT] 2011-05-12 10:35:15,165 [http-] ERROR [] - shared resource org.wicketstuff.dojo.AbstractDefaultDojoBehavior/dojo-0.4/src/i18n/calendar/nls/en-us/gregorianExtras.js not found
10:35:15,242 INFO [STDOUT] 2011-05-12 10:35:15,242 [http-] ERROR [] - shared resource org.wicketstuff.dojo.AbstractDefaultDojoBehavior/dojo-0.4/src/widget/nls/en/DropdownDatePicker.js not found
Also I heard a little about jQuery date-picker for wicket. But found no example/ demo.
I want to know is there any other date-picker for wicket available which has year navigation without bug?
Thanks and Regards.
I have an open source project for wicket components that includes a date picker component -