Separate Data Structure vs VirtualStringTree's PVirtualNodes to Store Data?
So I have been messing with creating my own separate data structure. I finally got it working, but then I discovered that the memory usage was ridiculously high compared to the old method.
To test this, I created the same test app, but I would store the data in my PVirtualNodes.
When adding 1000 roots, with 1000 children each, the separate data structure was using around 208 MB, while the PVirtualNode one only used about 160 MB, and it was a wee bit faster as well.
I thought using a separate data structure was supposed to use less memory, and be faster, but I suppose that is the p开发者_运维技巧rice instead?
Here is the source for the "Store data in PVirtualNode":
Here is the source for the "Store data in Seperate Datastructure":
The first problem I see with your separate-data-structure code is that it incorrectly makes the category own the users. That means that if the same physical person is in two categories, it will appear in your data structure as though there are two completely separate people. You'll spend the lifetime of the project regretting that decision.
You need a list of users, and you need a list of categories. A user can contain a list of categories that it belongs to, or a category can contain a list of users that belong to it. Maybe both.
TUser = class;
TCategory = class;
TContactList = class
FUsers: TObjectList<TUser>;
FCategories: TObjectList<TCategory>;
TUser = class
FCategories: TObjectList<TCategory>;
constructor Create(const DisplayName: string; SkypeID: Integer);
property DisplayName: string;
property SkypeID: Integer;
property Categories: TObjectList<TCategory> read FCategories;
TCategory = class
FUsers: TObjectList<TUser>;
constructor Create(const Name: string; ID: Integer);
property Name: string;
property ID: Integer;
property Users: TObjectList<TUser> read FUsers;
constructor TContactList.Create;
// The contact list is the single master list of all contacts; it
// owns the user objects, so set OwnsObjects = True
FUsers := TObjectList<TUser>.Create(True);
FCategories := TObjectList<TCategory>.Create(True);
constructor TUser.Create;
// A user does not own its categories; set OwnsObjects = False
FCategories := TObjectList<TCategory>.Create(False);
constructor TCategory.Create;
// A category does not own its members; set OwnsObjects = False
FUsers := TObjectList<TUser>.Create(False);
Notice how this code makes no mention of the tree control. A contact list does not own a tree control. If it did, then you'd be right back where you started months ago, where you had the problem of how to display users in multiple tree controls. And also notice that a user can appear in more than category, but no single category owns that user. Instead, the contact list owns the user, and grants categories permission to refer to them, and vice versa.
One of your first problems when you started this project was how to detect duplicate elements in the tree control. Now that problem is much easier because there is no tree control at all. You just have to find duplicates in the flat user list. If you don't add duplicates to that list in the first place, then you don't have to worry about finding duplicates in a more complicated GUI control anymore.
Notice that the data structure is not a tree. It's two lists, and each item in the list can refer to any number of items from the opposite list. In that sense, it's actually a graph. You merely display the data as a tree because otherwise it's hard to visualize it.
So, now that you have a data structure that's independent of the tree controls, how do you link the tree to the data it's supposed to display? Each node should hold a reference to the TUser
or TCategory
that it represents. The node's data record could be defined like this:
PNodeData = ^TNodeData;
TNodeData = record
case Integer of
0: Obj: TObject;
1: User: TUser;
2: Category: TCategory;
You can use it to implement the tree's OnGetText
event like this:
procedure TJeffForm.TreeGetText(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree; Node: PVirtualNode;
Column: TColumnIndex; TextType: TVSTTextType; var CellText: string);
Data: PNodeData;
if TextType = ttStatic then
Data := Sender.GetNodeData(Node);
Assert(Assigned(Data), 'Node wasn''t initialized properly');
Assert(Assigned(Data.Obj), 'Node has no object');
if Data.Obj is TUser then
CellText := Data.User.DisplayName
else if Data.Obj is TCategory then
CellText := Data.Category.Name
CellText := Format('Unknown node type %s', [Data.Obj.ClassName]);
That is, each node will contain either a user or a category. The first element of the array will contain a value that's one of those types, but since you don't know in advance which it will be, you have a third type that's safe to use as either one, TObject
. It's important to have the required data in the first field of the record because that's the field you're allowed to set when you call AddNewNode
, even before the node has been completely initialized.
One of the secrets to avoiding long node-creation times is to avoid creating the nodes you don't need. If a top-level node is collapsed, then you don't actually need to create any of its children. Just set the flag on the top node indicating that is has children, and it will correctly paint itself with the "+" button. If the user later clicks the button to expand the node, then the tree control will ask you how many children it has, at which point it will create them. And even then, it will only initialize the nodes that need to be painted immediately. Delay the work until it's necessary. Somebody with a million contacts will probably never want to see all of them at once, so there's no need to create a million items in your GUI control.
When your program starts, all you need to do, at first, is load the user and category lists, and then set the tree's category count:
Tree.RootNodeCount := ContactList.Categories.Count;
That's all.
The tree's event will take care of the rest of the initialization phase. If you want some of the category nodes to be expanded from the start, then all you have to do is expand them. The tree's events will ask you how many children each node has, and you can implement the event to answer. Once the tree has created nodes for them, it will ask how to initialize them, and you can assign the corresponding user or category object to the node at that time. The tree will tell you when it needs more information. You don't have to give it any more than it asks for.