
PyInstaller creates slow executable

I'm using PyInstaller to create a single executable of a python program using PyQt. It creates the .exe and runs fine, but takes between 15 to 20 seconds to start. I thought I could get by with creating a splash screen so the user would at least know something was happening, unfortunately, the splash screen doesn't show up any quicker than the program window itself. I also created the same program as -onedir, the program does st开发者_如何学Pythonart quicker, but this isn't really an option for distribution. If anyone has any ideas on what is slowing down the execution and ways to speed things up I would certainly appreciate it. Thanks.

Please look at this info provided with Pyinstaller wiki, http://www.pyinstaller.org/export/latest/tags/1.5/doc/Manual.html?format=raw#how-one-file-mode-works

according to this, When first started, it(one file exe) finds that it needs to extract these files before it can run "for real". . This creation of temporary folder under user's temp directory and extraction of content took initial time.





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