
Windows kernel equivalent to FreeBSD's ticks or Linux' jiffies in the latest WDK

I am working on a Windows NDIS driver using the latest WDK that is in need of a millisecond resolution kernel time counter that is monotonically non-decreasi开发者_如何学运维ng. I looked through MSDN as well as WDK's documentation but found nothing useful except something called TsTime, which I am not sure whether is just a made-up name for an example or an actual variable. I am aware of NDISGetCurrentSystemTime, but would like to have something that is lower-overhead like ticks or jiffies, unless NDISGetCurrentSystemTime itself is low-overhead.

It seems that there ought to be a low-overhead global variable that stores some sort of kernel time counter. Anyone has insight on what this may be?

Use KeQueryTickCount. And perhaps use KeQueryTimeIncrement once to be able to convert the tick count into a more meaningful time unit.

How about GetTickCount / GetTickCount64 (Check the reqs on the latter)





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