MongoDB - Query within an in-memory BsonDocument
I am reading a single document into a BsonDocument object. Having read the document from MongoDB I'd like to query the document in-memory. My doc looks like this:
"_id": {
"$binary": "DYibd4bSz0SFXTTmY46gOQ==",
"$type": "03"
"title": "XYZ 2011",
"pages": [
"pagetype": "contactcapture",
"pagetitle": "Contact",
"questions": [
"qtype": "text",
"text": "Firstname",
"name": "firstname"
"qtype": "text",
"text": "Surname",
"name": "surname"
"qtype": "text",
"text": "Company",
"name": "companyname"
开发者_StackOverflow },
"pagetype": "question",
"pagetitle": "Question 1",
"questions": [
"qtype": "radio",
"text": "What drink?",
"name": "drink",
"answers": [
"text": "Tea"
"text": "Coffee"
"text": "Hot chocolate"
"text": "Water"
"pagetype": "question",
"pagetitle": "Question 2",
"questions": [
"qtype": "check",
"text": "Accompaniments?",
"name": "accompaniments",
"answers": [
"text": "Nuts"
"text": "Crisps"
"text": "Biscuits"
"pagetype": "question",
"pagetitle": "Question 3",
"questions": [
"qtype": "radio",
"text": "When would you like that?",
"name": "when",
"answers": [
"text": "Immediately"
"text": "10 minutes"
"text": "Half-an-hour"
"qtype": "text",
"text": "Anything else with that?",
"name": "anythingelse"
I want to get all pages that have a pagetype="question". I'm currently doing it as follows:
BsonDocument profileDocument= profilesCollection.FindOneByIdAs<MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument>(binaryId);
BsonElement pagesElement = profileDocument.GetElement("pages");
BsonArray pages=profileDocument.GetElement("pages").Value.AsBsonArray;
foreach (BsonValue pageV in pages.Values)
BsonDocument page = pageV.AsBsonDocument;
if (page["pagetype"].AsString == "question")
sb.Append("<br />Question Page:" + page.ToJson());
The code seems a little verbose and complex - I just wondered if there is a better way of doing this? Thanks
Assuming that the data type of profilesCollection is MongoCollection<BsonDocument>, you could shorten the code so something like this:
var profileDocument = profilesCollection.FindOneById(binaryId);
foreach (BsonDocument page in profileDocument["pages"].AsBsonArray) {
if (page["pagetype"].AsString == "question") {
sb.Append("<br />Question Page:" + page.ToJson());