Show marker on google map position obtained from xml
I want to show a marker on google map position obtained from xml after parsing. So I store latitude and longitude in an arrylist. I want to show but it forse close
I pass lat and long from geopoint so please can you take a look where is wrong in my code
public class XMLParsingExample1 extends MapActivity {
* Create Object For SiteList Class
SitesList sitesList = null;
private MapController mapController;
private MapView mapView;
private LocationManager locationManager;
private String ss1;
private String ss2;
GeoPoint p;
class MapOverlay extends {
public boolean draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView,
boolean shadow, long when) {
super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow);
//---translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels---
Point screenPts = new Point();
mapView.getProjection().toPixels(p, screenPts);
//---add the marker---
Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.marker);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmp, screenPts.x, screenPts.y - 50, null);
return true;
* Called when the activity is first created.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
/** Create a new layout to display the view */
try {
/** H开发者_开发百科andling XML */
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
/** Send URL to parse XML Tags */
URL sourceUrl = new URL(
/** Create handler to handle XML Tags ( extends DefaultHandler ) */
MyXMLHandler myXMLHandler = new MyXMLHandler();
xr.parse(new InputSource(sourceUrl.openStream()));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("XML Pasing Excpetion = " + e);
/** Get result from MyXMLHandler SitlesList Object */
sitesList = MyXMLHandler.sitesList;
ArrayList<Integer> Latitude = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> Longtitude = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < sitesList.getName().size(); i++) {
// **Is this correct??**
ss1 = sitesList.getName().get(i);
for (int i = 0; i < sitesList.getWebsite().size(); i++) {
ss2 = sitesList.getWebsite().get(i);
RelativeLayout linearLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;
mapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
mapController = mapView.getController();
mapController.setZoom(14); // Zoon 1 is world view
locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 0,
0, new GeoUpdateHandler());
//Here i pass latitude and longitude value for displaying in map
String coordinates[] = {ss1, ss2};
double lat = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]);
double lng = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1]);
p = new GeoPoint(
(int) (lat * 1E6),
(int) (lng * 1E6));
//---Add a location marker---
MapOverlay mapOverlay = new MapOverlay();
List<Overlay> listOfOverlays = mapView.getOverlays();
protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() {
return false;
public class GeoUpdateHandler implements LocationListener {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
int lat = (int) (location.getLatitude() * 1E6);
int lng = (int) (location.getLongitude() * 1E6);
GeoPoint point = new GeoPoint(lat, lng);
mapController.animateTo(point); // mapController.setCenter(point);
public void onProviderDisabled(String provider) {
public void onProviderEnabled(String provider) {
public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {
sites list is
public class SitesList {
/** Variables */
private ArrayList<String> Latitude = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> Longitude = new ArrayList<String>();
private ArrayList<String> category = new ArrayList<String>();
/** In Setter method default it will return arraylist
* change that to add */
public ArrayList<String> getName() {
return Latitude;
public void setName(String name) {
public ArrayList<String> getWebsite() {
return Longitude;
public void setWebsite(String website) {
public ArrayList<String> getCategory() {
return category;
public void setCategory(String category) {
I can see at least one case, where exception can be thrown.
If you have no any elements in Latitude
and/or Longitude
lists in SitesList
class, or String
values in those lists can't be parsed to double, the following lines will throw NumberFormatException
double lat = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[0]);
double lng = Double.parseDouble(coordinates[1]);