
How do you output the context class using log4net as a service?

I am using Log4Net as a service which is injected into other services using StructureMap.

How do I ensure the log file includes the calling service class context (class name and/or thread) which is making the log4net calls?

Surely the calling class or thread will always be the logging service which do开发者_JAVA百科esn't help me understand where the logging calls are really coming from.


Register code:

  ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
        x.For<ILog>().AlwaysUnique().Use(s => s.ParentType == null ? 
            LogManager.GetLogger(s.BuildStack.Current.ConcreteType) : 


Service layer:

public class LoggerService : ILoggerService
        private readonly ILog log;

        public LoggerService(ILog logger)
            log = logger;
            log.Info("Logger started {0}".With(logger.Logger.Name));

        public void Info(string message)

In the logging, I am still always getting the LoggerService as the context so I'll never see what actually called the logger. It doesn't seem to be working correctly. I feel like I'm missing something here...

Edit 2: I've added a pastie link for a console app here:


I would expect the parent class to be logged but it isn't working at the simplest of levels.

You might want to have a look at Castle Dynamic proxy in order to solve it using AOP. There is an example of using it with Structure Map on the Structure Map Google Group.

Ayende has an example of AOP based logging using Log4Net and Windsor.

I use StructureMap in a lot of the code I generate and I have a StructureMap registry which I use to hook the logger into the context of the class that it is injected into.

For Reference, I'm using the 2.6.2 version of StructureMap but should be fine with 2.5+ where the new .For<>().Use<>() format is utilized.

public class CommonsRegistry : Registry
  public CommonsRegistry()
    For<ILogger>().AlwaysUnique().Use(s => s.ParentType == null ? new Log4NetLogger(s.BuildStack.Current.ConcreteType) : new Log4NetLogger(s.ParentType.UnderlyingSystemType.Name));
    XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetAssembly(GetType()).Location), "Log.config")));

What this registry is doing is for anywhere the ILogger is injected, use the class that it's injected into is where the logging messages are logged to/context of.

*Also, in the second line (XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch) is where I tell Log4Net to get the logging information from the file "Log.config" instead of the application configuration file, you may or may not like that and can be omitted.

The code I use is a common IOC.Startup routine where I would pass if I would like to use the default registery.

ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>

This gives me the calling class name in the logging instance where messages are logged to automatically and all that is required is to inject the logger into the class.

class foo
  private readonly ILogger _log;

  public foo(ILogger log)
    _log = log;

Now the messages are logged as context/class "foo".





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