Hyphenate tags added to acts_as_taggable_on
I am using acts_ as_ taggable_on in my app and have it working perfectly however I am looking for information on how to make one modification.
At present if I enter a tag which includes spaces, the tag is saved with these spaces and so to view all records with this tag I have something like:
How can I hyphenate tags when they are first saved by acts_ as_ taggable_on so that the tag is stored as this-tag-has-spaces?
I can substitute the values as follows, but how do I do this before acts_ as_ tagg开发者_StackOverflow社区able_on takes over and saves the tag list?
By taking advantage of the fact that acts_as_taggable_on_steroids exposes a tag_list
accessor that can be written to, here is what I did on one of my models. I
assume you could do something similar:
class MyTaggableObject < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :clean_up_tags
# Clean up tag formatting
def clean_up_tags
# Make lowercase
# Replace any non-word ([^\w]) characters with a hyphen
self.tag_list.map! {|tag| tag.gsub(/[^\w]+/i,'-')}
You can add the following line:
ActsAsTaggableOn.force_parameterize = true
to an initializer.