
Entity Framework 4. Join Tables. Entity Framework perfoming an Insert when no action is required

I have a database setup with the following: -

Person Table  
Hobby Table
Game Table  
GameInfo Table  

Person [1 - M] Hobby [1 - M] Game [M - 1] GameInfo

Game is just a join from Hobby to GameInfo

I am having an issue whereby I would fetch Person which has a Collection<Game> and add to this collection (i.e. I am just updating links, not wanting to insert new GameInfo).

Upon Calling SaveChanges() EntityFramework will insert the links AS WELL AS inserting new GameInfo, which is not my desired result.

I have looked at Entry().State etc but the problem is where I am handling the updates of my Person is outside of the context.

I am basically fetching a Person creating a new Game with Ids that I know exist already and then calling the SaveChanges() and would expect that it would just insert into the Game Table, not the GameInfo table

EDIT 1: Code Sample - sort of

public void Save(Profile profile)
    using (GDContext context = GetContext())
        DataProfile dataProfile = context.Profiles.Single(u => u.ProfileId == profile.Id);
        ProfileHandler.HandleDataModelChanges(dataProfile, profile);

public override void HandleDataModelChanges(DataProfile dataModel, Profile model)
    dataModel.ProfileId = model.Id;
    dataModel.FirstName = model.FirstName;
    dataModel.LastName = model.LastName;
    dataModel.DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth;
    dataModel.Email = model.Email;

    foreach(var hobby in model.Hobbies)
        DataHobby dataHobby = dataModel.Hobbies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.HobbyId == hobby.HobbyId);

        if (dataHobby == null)
            dataHobby = new DataHobby();

        HobbyHandler.HandleDataModelChanges(dataHobby, hobby);

public override void HandleDataModelChanges(DataHobby dataModel, Hobby model)
    dataModel.HobbyId = model.Id;

    HandleGames(dataModel, model);

    HandleCrafts(dataModel, model);

    HandleCollections(dataModel, model);

private void HandleGames(DataHobby dataModel, Hobby model)
    IEnumerable<DataGame> gamesToRemove = dataModel.Games.Where(g => !model.Games.Any(ds => ds.Id == g.GameId)).ToArray();

    foreach (var game in gamesTo开发者_运维技巧Remove)

    foreach (var game in model.Games)
        if (!dataModel.Games.Any(e => e.GameId == game.Id))
            DataGame dataGame = new DataGame();
            dataGame.GameId = game.Id;
            dataGame.GameName = game.Name;


EDIT 2 - Context configuration

this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
this.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;

public GameInfoConfiguration()
    HasKey(x => x.GameId);

public PersonConfiguration()
    HasKey(x => x.PersonId);


public HobbyConfiguration()
    HasKey(x => x.HobbyId);

    HasRequired(x => x.Person).WithMany(x => x.Hobbies);

    HasMany(x => x.Games).WithMany(g => g.Hobbies).Map(x => x.MapLeftKey("HobbieId").MapRightKey("GameId").ToTable("PersonGame"));


Well I still don't see where you work with GameInfo - your description absolutely doesn't correspond with your code. By looking at your code I guess the problem will be in the snippet like this:

foreach (var game in model.Games)
    if (!dataModel.Games.Any(e => e.GameId == game.Id))
        DataGame dataGame = new DataGame();
        dataGame.GameId = game.Id;
        dataGame.GameName = game.Name;


This will always insert a new Game - you told EF to insert a new Game. If you want to add existing Game you must do:

foreach (var game in model.Games)
    if (!dataModel.Games.Any(e => e.GameId == game.Id))
        DataGame dataGame = new DataGame();
        dataGame.GameId = game.Id;
        dataGame.GameName = game.Name;

        context.Games.Attach(dataGame); // Now the context knows that it is not a new entity 

I think the mistake I have made here is that I am dealing with DataGame when really what I should be dealing with is a POCO class to represent the "join" between DataGame and Hobby Like a HobbyGame POCO.





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