
Difference in inlining functions by compiler or linker?

I am wondering whether there is any difference between inlining functions on a linker level or compiler level in terms of execution speed?

e.g. if I have all my functions in .cpp files and rely on the linker to do inlining, will this inlining potentially be less efficient than say defining some functions in the headers for selected inlining on the compiler level or unity builds without any linking and all inlining done by the compiler?

If the linker is jus开发者_JS百科t as efficient, why would one then still bother inlining functions explicitly on the compiler level? Is that just for convenience, say there is just a one line constructor hence one can't be bothered with a .cpp file?

I suppose this might depend on the compiler, in which case I would be most interested in Visual C++ (Windows) and gcc (Linux).


The general rule is all else being equal the closer to execution (compiling->linking->(maybe JIT)->execution) the optimization is done the more data the optimizer has and the better optimization it can perform. So unless the optimizer is dumb you should expect better results when inlining is done by the linker - the linker will know more about the invokation context and do better optimization.

Generally, by the time the linker is run, your source has already been compiled into machine code. The linkers job is to take all the code fragments and link then together (possibly fixing addresses along the way). In such a case, there is no room for performing inlining.

But all is not lost. Gcc does provide a mechanism for link time optimization (using the -flto) option when compiling and linking. This causes gcc to produce a byte code that can then be compiled and linked by the linker into a single executable. Since the byte code contains more information than optimized machine code. The linker can now perform radical optimization on the whole codebase. Something that the compiler cannot do.

See here for more details on gcc. Not to sure about VC++ though.

Inlining is normally performed within a single translation unit (.cpp file). When you call functions in another file, they’re never inlined.

Link Time Optimization (LTO) changes this, allowing inlining to work across translation units. It should always be equal or better (sometimes very very significantly) to regular linking in terms of how efficient the generated code is.

The reason both options are still available is that LTO can take a large amount of RAM and CPU – I’ve had VC++ take several minutes on linking a large C++ project before. Sometimes it’s not worth it to enable until you ship. You could also run out of address space with a large enough project, as it has to load all that bytecode into RAM.

For writing efficient code, nothing changes – all the same rules apply with LTO. It is potentially more efficient to explicitly define an inline function in a header file versus depending on LTO to inline it. The inline keyword only provides a hint so there’s no guarantee, but it might nudge it into being inlined where normally (with or without LTO) it wouldn’t be.

If the function is inlined, there would be no difference.

I believe the main reason for having inline functions defined in the headers is history. Another is portability. Until resently most compilers did not do link time code generation, so it having the functions in the headers was a necessity. That of course affects code bases started on more than a couple of years ago.

Also, if you still target some compilers that don't support link time code generation, you dont have a choice.

As an aside, I have in one case been forced to add a pragma to ask one specific compiler not to inline an init() function defined in one .cpp file, but potentially called from many places.





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