Events ending too early when 15 minute slotMinutes set in FullCalendar
I have basically done:
$(document).ready(function() {
defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
axisFormat: 'h(:mm)tt',
slotMinutes: 15,
so my left side shows times in 15 minute slots.
The problem is, ive set an event to run from 10:00am to 10:45 and it shows the event, but it appears the event ends at 10:30.
I've added a screenshot, the event on the left side is set in json like:
'id' => 333,
'title' => "John",
'start' => "May 5 2011 10:00:00",
'end' => "May 5 2011 10:45:00",
'url' => "",
'allDay'=> false,
'color' => 'red', // an option!
'textColor'=> 'black' // an option!
and if you look on the screenshot,
i've added a light blue background where I think the event should end, on the 10:45 slot. Any suggestions?
I think you are reading it wrong. If you notice, your event covers three slots (10, 10:15:, and 10:30). It ends where the 10:45 slot starts. If you had a new event that bumped up agains your first event, you would want it to start at 10:45. Therefore, it would take up the 10:45 slot just like your first take takes up the 10 slot because it started at 10.