
How can i write to the windows event log using C# (I'm getting some kind of error)?


I have written:

//Log exception to the event log
if (!EventLog.SourceExists("PodaHIS")) {
    EventLog.CreateEventSource("PodaHIS", "Application");   

EventLog eventLog = new EventLog();
eventLog.Log = "Application";
eventLog.Source = "PodaHIS";
eventLog.WriteEntry(error.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error);

I have also enabled read permission to LOCALMACHINE\ASPNET.

And in return i get:

The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccesible logs: Security.

Does anyone know why this is happening?


What is need to do was grant the "Security" sub key of the EventLog Key read permission. After that i restarted my IIS.

this kb artical explains the steps required to give your asp process the correct security rights to write to the event log...


If you have permission on the box that you want to write the event log to, then you can run a script that I wrote.

I think that a higher level of access is required to create a source in the event log. It's possible that the reference to Security log is coincidental and it is just reporting that as a possible cause. If you go in as an administrator and create the PodaHIS source yourself, you might then find that it can write to it.

What it your deployment environment? If it is Vista/Server 2008 then adding worker account into Administrators group won't work due to UAC.

This link explains the problem in details. But I would recommend try creating an event source manually so ASPNET won't need to create it...





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