SharePoint search administration - search results page error
In my SharePoint 2007 development environment in Central Administration Shared Services > Search administration> Search Results Report page I am getting "An unexpected error has occurred" message instead of actual search results. In my production environment I do see results. To get better error message I changed web.config file: callstack = true
, customerrors = Off
and debug = true
with no change.
I have also configured site usage reporting by enabling usage logging and usage reporting and activated report feature all to no avail. Doe anyone know what might be the problem? I must be missing something. (I did IIS reset after changing web.config开发者_JAVA百科 file).
7/25/11..following up my previous post - I solved this problem a while back by doing a number of things the first was to install PDFiFilter65installer to enable PDF file type content to be searched which they were not doing at the time. Then I added scopes and created crawler impact rules and ran full crawl. Basically my server was not configured for searching and I had to learn how to set it up!