Error parsing JSON: undefined method 'gsub'
I'm trying to parse JSON in JavaScript, but I'm getting this error in Rails:
undefined method `gsub' for #<Array:0开发者_开发问答x000001054a2440>
my code is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
var stuff = <%= escape_javascript(@json) %>
var json = stuff.parseJSON();
where @json is defined in the controller as @nodes.to_json
Can someone please help me with this? Getting JSON to JavaScript shouldn't be hard, but it's taking me forever.
The code for escape_javascript
def escape_javascript(javascript)
if javascript
javascript.gsub(/(\\|<\/|\r\n|[\n\r"'])/) { JS_ESCAPE_MAP[$1] }
Thus, I would conclude that @json
is actually an Array.
you are applying gsub methods for array that's why undefined method `gsub' for # occur. @json is array and you cant apply gsub on it.
use JSON.parse if natively available or else include a json parser, the most popular one is written by Douglas Crockford