How to get (not display) the section number
Notebook sections can be automatically numbered by inserting the automatically numbering object CounterBox["Section"]
using the Insert > Automatic Numbering...
menu. However this object only controls the display of the section number and I would like to get its numerical value to use in a program. Any idea how to do that?
The reason I want to use this is outlined he开发者_开发技巧re.Wrap the CounterBox with a TagBox and a known tag:
Cell[BoxData[TagBox[CounterBox["Section"], "tag"]], "Text"]
Then use FrontEnd`ObjectContents to convert all DynamicBox/CounterBox/ValueBox to literals and pick out the value of that TagBox:
x = First@Cases[FrontEnd`ObjectContents[nb, True], TagBox[x_, "tag"] :> x, \[Infinity]]
If all you want to know is how many of a certain type of counters there are you can do:
x = FE`Evaluate[CurrentValue[{"MaxCounterValue", "Section"}]]
There's got to be a better way to do this, but here's something that works, if I understand what you want to do.
Create a notebook to play with:
nb = CreateDocument[{
Cell["My Title", "Title"],
Cell["My first section", "Section"],
Cell["My second section", "Section"],
Cell[TextData[{"Section ",
CounterBox["Section"]}], "Section"]}];
Select the last cell, which happens to be a Section cell.
SelectionMove[nb, After, Notebook];
SelectionMove[nb, Previous, Cell];
Count backwards.
cnt = sectionCnt = c = 0;
While[True, Print[c];
c = NotebookRead[nb];
If[c === {}, Break[]];
If[c[[2]] == "Section", sectionCnt++];
SelectionMove[nb, Previous, Cell]];
Now sectionCnt
should hold the value that you want. You can move back to where you were easily enough:
Do[SelectionMove[nb, Next, Cell], {cnt}]