SQL Server: Inserting a list of ints into a temporary table
I have a list of IDs in a text file like this:
24641985 ,
24641980 ,
24641979 ,
24641978 ,
24641976 ,
24641974 ,
24641972 ,
24641971 ,
24641970 ,
24641968 ,
There's tens of thousands of them.
Now I need to know which ids are in this list, that do not correspond to an ID in my table.
I guess I should put them into a temporary table, then say something like:
select theId
from #tempIdCollection
开发者_开发问答where theId not in (select customerId from customers)
Problem is I don't know how to get them into the temp table!
Can anyone help? This doesn't have to be efficient. I've just got to run it once. Any solution suggestions welcome!
Thanks in advance!
I'd use a table variable. You declare it just like a regular variable.
declare @tempThings table (items int)
insert @tempThings values (1)
Have a "permanent temp" table, also known as an "inbox" table. Just a simple tabled named something like "temp_bunchOfKeys".
Your basic sequence is:
1) Truncate temp_bunchOfKeys
2) BCP the text file into temp_bunchOfKeys
3) Your sql is then:
select theId
from Temp_BunchOfKeys
where theId not in (select customerId from customers)
I had the same problem but with strings instead of integers, and solved it by using a split function (see code below) that returns a table variable with the list content. Modify the function to suit your purpose.
Example of how to call the function
create table #t (Id int, Value varchar(64))
insert into #t (Id, Value)
select Id, Item
from dbo.fnSplit('24641978, 24641976, ... 24641972, 24641971', ',')
/*Do your own stuff*/
drop table #t
if object_id(N'dbo.fnSplit', N'TF') is not null
drop function dbo.fnSplit
create function dbo.fnSplit(@string varchar(max), @delimiter char(1))
returns @temptable table (Id int, Item varchar(8000))
-- NB! len() does a rtrim() (ex. len('2 ') = 1)
if ( len( @string ) < 1 or @string is null ) return
declare @idx int
declare @slice varchar(8000)
declare @stringLength int
declare @counter int ; set @counter = 1
set @idx = charindex( @delimiter, @string )
while @idx!= 0
set @slice = ltrim( rtrim( left(@string, @idx - 1)))
set @slice = replace( replace(@slice, char(10), ''), char(13), '')
insert into @temptable(Id, Item) values(@counter, @slice)
-- To handle trailing blanks use datalength()
set @stringLength = datalength(@string)
set @string = right( @string, (@stringLength - @idx) )
set @idx = charindex( @delimiter, @string )
set @counter = @counter + 1
-- What's left after the last delimiter
set @slice = ltrim(rtrim(@string))
set @slice = replace( replace(@slice, char(10), ''), char(13), '')
insert into @temptable(Id, Item) values(@counter, @slice)
You can copy paste all those ids from text file to a excel file. Then use import from excel feature in the Sql server to create a table out of that excel file. Quite simple really. Let me know if you need more specific instructions.