Trying to set up a heroku staging site - "Resource not found "
I'm working on an existing rails project which is deployed on heroku. I'm trying to set up a staging server which deploys from the staging branch. (currently master deploys to production).
I'm following this page
and i'm on the section "Starting from a production app". The code it gives is
heroku create --stack [production stack] --remote staging --addons newrelic:bronze,logging:expanded
I'm trying to adapt this to my own needs but i get a message back Resource not found
Here's what i get for "heroku apps"
If i do heroku list
i get this
buddystef <project manager's email>
where 'buddystef' is the production version of the app. So, i'm trying this:
heroku create --stack [buddystef stack] --remote buddy-staging --addons custom_domains:basic,exceptional:basic,logging:expanded,shared-database:5mb
And i'm getting Resource not found
Do i need to set up a seperate git repo first for the staging branch? If so, what's the best way to do this?
Grateful for any advice - max
EDIT - the "Resource 开发者_Python百科not found" message seems (after googling) to be associated with logging in with the wrong credentials. But, i'm logging in as the owner of the buddystef project.
Seems like your over-complicating things here, Max. Keep it simple, create the app like John suggests, add the addons, then declare it a staging environment:
heroku config:add RACK_ENV=staging --app stagingbuddystef
create the environments/staging.rb
similar to that of production.rb
If it's a public site, you'd probably wish to secure it from public access, avoid confusing users. See this SO answer for password protecting staging environment
Git : You should have your own staging branch. Remember that heroku operates on master branch, so you should do this:
myproj git:(staging)$ git push stagingbuddystef staging:master
Read more about git good practices here:
Heroku create with stack synxtax is
heroku create test-sushi-app --stack bamboo-mri-1.9.2
where bamboo-mri-1.9.2 can be any of the following:
- aspen-mri-1.8.6
- bamboo-ree-1.8.7
- bamboo-mri-1.9.2
so I'm no sure where your [buddystef stack]
comes from but that's likely the problem
I use Heroku San, which does some of the legwork for you. Github | Tutorial