
Please recommend a good JQuery rich text editor [closed]

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What is a good JQuery rich text editing field?

I've recently been seriously scared off tinyMCE after trying to write some plugins for it and finding it very, very frustrating.

Currently my suggestion would be the latest version of CKeditor it seems much cleaner, accessible and looks a little easier for writing plugins.

I know YUI are also working on theirs activily at the moment, trying to make is more accessible too, so that might be a decent option.

Either way, I'd pass on tinymce to be honest.

I know you're asking for a jquery specific one, but the question doesn't make a lot of sense to be honest. JQuery, as good as it is at some things, is not going to be much specific help at the basic level of developing a rich text area - you're much better off looking at the ones that have been built individually and selecting the one that best suits your needs.

I'd say use tinyMCE that you can use as a jQuery plugin.

Here is the best one which i have used and tested which works with even jquery 1.7 Simple and easy when compared to others. Cazary

Here is a list of 14 really amazing jQuery and non-jQuery rich text editors (RTE). They are all free, easy to use, and with great functionality. Enjoy.






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