How do I get the namespaces right when using a Transaction Exchange Server Web service?
I am trying to consume a TxServer web service, but I'm getting the error response
Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri: "", local:"transaction")
. Expected elements are
I found out the XML that Delphi generates does not work with the service,
but if I addxmlns=""
to the transaction tag, it works.
Can anyone help me to add xmlns=""
to the transaction tag?
I'd like to have: <transaction xmlns="">
BTW I tried changing: InvRegistry.RegisterInvokeOptions(TypeInfo(TxServer), ioDocument);
to all the io.. Options, but it doesn't work.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""
<requestIVULoto xmlns="">
RemClassRegistry.RegisterXSClass(InstitutionCode, #0, 'InstitutionCode');
where InstitutionCode
is some node name, #0
empty char, simply empty string '' not working it is replaced by generated name.
It can be problem with widestring, but you can use TXSString instead
Use an OnBeforePost event on the RIO object, and simply edit the outgoing string. It's dirty, but it works.
procedure TMyHandler.RIO_BeforeExecute(const MethodName: string; var SOAPRequest: WideString);
SOAPRequest := StringReplace(SOAPRequest,'<transaction>','<transaction xmlns="">',[]);
Here is an example of hooking the RIO via the GUI way:
Here is discussion on doing it in code: THttprio onBeforeExecute changing the soapRequest
Then try to use THTTPRIO
component, if you have it in your Delphi distribution and try to pass it into the GetTxServer
method call.
var MyTxServer: TxServer;
MyTxServer := GetTxServer(True, '', HTTPRIO1); // HTTPRIO1 is your component
And as Chris mentioned before you can change the request in OnBeforeExecute event (of that HTTPRIO
component); I have D2009 so you will probably have different parameters if you have it at all.
procedure TForm10.HTTPRIO1BeforeExecute(const MethodName: string;
SOAPRequest: TStream);
var MyStringList: TStringList;
MyStringList := TStringList.Create;
SOAPRequest.Position := 0;
MyStringList.Text := StringReplace(MyStringList.Text, '<transaction>', '<transaction xmlns="">', [RfReplaceAll]);
SOAPRequest.Position := 0;