Bind a DropDownList to IEnumerable
I have a method:
public static IEnumerable<Datarow> getInfo (string test)
some functionality and adds two columns in datatable dt.
now how can i return dt f开发者_开发技巧rom this method (question 1)
I have to bind the method returned value to a dropdown list named ddlist
How can i make it possible
(question no 2.) .. when i tried i get the message that can not bind ienumerable . . . .
please help me out.
You could change the method to return a datatable or loop through the IEnumerable and add the list items manually.
Check this blog post for another approach to what you're trying to do.
Code sample from blog (not mine):
public IEnumerable GetDataSource() {
string key = "CodeDrowDownListTest_" + CodeName;
object item = Page.Cache.Get(key);
if (item == null)
item = GetDataFromDB();
Page.Cache.Insert(key, item, null, System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(1), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
return (IEnumerable)item; }
public override void DataBind() {
this.DataSource = GetDataSource();
this.DataTextField = "Text";
this.DataValueField = "Value";