How to call a 'normal' method through ILGenerator.Emit*?
Is it possible for a DynamicMethod to 开发者_C百科call (via ILGenerator.EmitCall -- or similar -- for instance) a 'normal' method, e.g. Private Sub BlahBlah(ByVal obj as Object)?
Thanks in advance
Load values on evaluation stack to be given to the method
MethodInfo methodInfo = typeof(ClassName).GetMethod(MethodName, new Type[1] { typeof(-method argument types-) });
IL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo );
delegate void foo();
public static void show(string foo)
public void test()
DynamicMethod dm = new DynamicMethod("foo", null, null);
ILGenerator gen = dm.GetILGenerator();
gen.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, "hello world");
gen.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, this.GetType().GetMethod("show"),null);
var b = dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(foo)) as foo;