Trying to use VBA-excel to filter one worksheet based on clicked value in another workseet
OK, I'm a total VBA noob, so excuse my awful code.
I have two excel worksheets, one titled 'Contractors' and one titled 'Referring_to_Contractors'.
The contractors sheet is laid out like so.
Terr ContractorID First Last
1 7 Bob Smith 2 5 Jeff Brown 3 8 Stan LeeThe Referring_to_Contractors sheet has the same fields and layout as the Contractors sheet above, but also has additional columns for Referring Contractors, so it has columns titled "Ref_Contractor_Id", "Ref_First", "Ref_Last", etc.
What I'm trying to do is use VBA so that when someone double clicks a row in the "Contractors开发者_如何转开发" sheet, it will take the value in the Contractor_ID column, then look in the "Referring_to_Contractors" sheet and filter by all records in that sheet that have that value as Contractor_ID. Essentially, this would display referral information for the Contractor_ID clicked on the first sheet. I created a named range for the Contractor_ID field titled "PrimaryContractor"
So, on the first sheet 'Contractors', I have:
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Select_Ref_Contractors()
ContractorId = Range("PrimaryContractor").Value
With Sheets("Referring_to_Contractors")
.Visible = True
End With
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$10:$N$44163).AutoFilter Field: =1, Criteria1:= ContractorID
Application.Goto Range("A1"), True
End Sub
Conceptually this seems like it should be pretty simple yet for some reason I can't get the second sheet to filter correctly.
Any helps or even useful links would be greatly appreciated.
I have just knocked this up in Excel 2007 and it seems to work
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim id As String
If Not Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then
id = CStr(Selection)
Sheet2.Range("A1", "c4").AutoFilter 1, id
End If
End Sub
It is using the same table on both sheets as below and when you double click a cell on Sheet1, the BeforeDoubleClick event fires and puts you onto Sheet2 with the filter applied.
ID ID2 Text
1 2 a
2 2 b
3 3 c