Calculator without if/else or switch
I am trying to write calculator for + - * /
without conditions. The operator is stored as a string.
Is there anyway to achieve it?
public class Main {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
////String Operator = "";
String L1="";
String L2="";
String op = "+";
double a = 3;
double b = 2;
//Operator p = p.
Operator p;
b = Operator.count(a, op, b);
public enum Operator {
PLUS("+"), MINUS("-"), DIVIDE("/"), MULTIPLY("*");
private final String operator;
public static double count(double a,String op,double b) {
double RetVal =0;
switc开发者_运维知识库h (Operator.valueOf(op)) {
case PLUS:
RetVal= a + b;
case MINUS:
RetVal= a - b;
case DIVIDE:
RetVal= a / b;
RetVal= a * b;
return RetVal;
Operator(String operator) {
this.operator = operator;
// uniwersalna stała grawitacyjna (m3 kg-1 s-2)
Got this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class Main$Operator.+
Any clues?
You could use a strategy pattern and store a calculation strategy for each operator.
interface Calculation {
double calculate(double op1, double op2);
class AddCalculation implements Calculation {
double calculate(double op1, double op2) {
return op1 + op2;
//others as well
Map<String, Calculation> m = ...;
m.put("+", new AddCalculation());
During execution you then get the calculation objects from the map and execute calculate()
i think using an enum would be a nice option:
Enum Operation{
then you could go with
case PLUS: return a+b;
case MINUS: return a-b;
case DIVIDE: return a/b;
case MULTIPLY: return a*b;
how about hashing? Hash the operators as a key-value pair ("+": +). For the string operatory, hash it and grab the value. Experiment with that
As mentioned by Peter Lawrey, ScriptEngine/JavaScript might be a good choice for this. Visit this little JavaScript interpreter applet to explore the possibilities.