Use Model in Ruby on Rails 3 as source for jQuery autocomplete
I'm using simple jQuery for autocomplete and it works fine when I locally define the list of options in my jQuery. Here's the code (pretty much straight from the jQuery site):
jQuery(function() {
var easy = [
jQuery( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
source: easy
<div class="demo">
<div class="ui-widget">
<label for="tags">Tags: </label>
<input id="tags">
What I want to do is pass the entires on a model I have called user, which has a :name and :business_name attributes, and use the entries in that model for the options. Can I pass this data to my jQuery variable, or is this accomplished another way?
first of all you need two parts to do this:
- The client (jQuery UI Autocomplete)
- The backend (Providing the Data)
You can't directly query the model from your javascript code, the query must be done through a controller.
First, have a look at the jQuery Autocomplete Documentation and Examples here.
What you see is that the resulting request will have a parameter called "term", this is what you start typing in the input field.
So the request looks something like
What jQuery wants is an array containing hashes in JSON Format like:
[{"label": "Formatted Name to Show in List for first match", "value": 1}, {"label": "Formatted Name for Match #2", "value": 2}]
label: Will be shown in the autocomplete list value: Is the value to be used when you select an entry (e.g. combobox)
I'd suggest to create a controller called UsersController so the request will look like
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
# general model
@users = User
# check if we should filter results
if params.has_key?(:term) && !params[:term].empty?
q = "#{params[:term]}%"
@users = @users.where("name LIKE ? OR business_name LIKE ?", q, q)
# only 20 entries
@users = @users.limit(20)
# respond in the right format
respond_to do |format|
# normal html layout
# json for jquery
format.json do
# make an array! do |u|
:label => + " / " + u.business_name,
:value =>
render :json => @users
Now you can activate the autocomplete like:
jQuery( "#tags" ).autocomplete({
source: '<%= users_path(:format => :json) %>'
users_path(:format => :json)
will generate a path like /users.json?term=yoursearchterm
I hope this will work for you