
Nginx only or Nginx(reverse proxy) + Apache [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I just rent a VPS, and I want to install nginx as a server, however, most of the article on the internet is use nginx as a reverse proxy, rather than as a server, what benefit with this configuration?

Is it possible to use 2 nginx (1 as reverse proxy another as server)?

another non-related this topic question, I'm now using cpanel, how can I fully stop apache, because the httpd is always res开发者_StackOverflow社区tart after sometimes, thanks.

Nginx works great by itself and will likely be much faster than Apache. It also uses far less resources (RAM, CPU). That being said, Apache brings some goods to the table, namely simplified deployment for some scenarios (and 2.4 has compelling caching features).

Nginx vs Apache is a false dichotomy. Nginx makes Apache better. By all means, put Nginx out front, but don't write off Apache entirely if it suits your needs.

What are you going to do with your Nginx? If you just want a web server you can go with only Nginx, that's fine.





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