Iphone SDK: Scaling an image every second
How can i scale an image every second by using an integer??
I want开发者_开发技巧 to do something like this:
I'l have a time which will decrese 0,025 from an integer that i will use to scale my image.
I will also have another timer which would scale the image.
I want the second timer to do something like that:
MyImage.image.size.width * MyInteger
MyImage.image.size.hight * MyInteger
How can i make the scaling animation run smooth like the CGTransform Animations?
I think it's far easier to figure out the duration and the target scale factors than your suggested way. Try this instead:
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0
turnDeviceView.transform =
myImageView.transform =
CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.2, 0.2);
You can even trigger this animation every second, as long as you set the duration less than a second. You can subtract a value from the scale factors to get in the progression you need.