Collapse clause being ignored in #pragma omp for
I have the following C code using OpenMP:
#pragma omp parallel default(none) private(i, j, k) shared(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, lb2, ub2, g, current, update, diff, dg)
#pragma omp for collapse(3)
for( i = lb0; i <= ub0; i++ ) {
for( j = lb1; j <= ub1; j++ ) {
for( k = lb2; k <= ub2; k++ ) {
g->data[ update ][ i ][ j ][ k ] =
ONE_SIXTH * ( g->data[ current ][ i + 1 ][ j ][ k ] +
g->data[ current ][ i - 1 ][ j ][ k ] +
g->data[ current ][ i ][ j + 1 ][ k ] +
g->data[ current ][ i ][ j - 1 ][ k ] +
g->data[ current ][ i ][ j ][ k + 1 ] +
g->data[ current ][ i ][ j ][ k - 1 ] );
diff = fabs( g->data[ update ][ i ][ j ][ k ] - g->data[ current ][ i ][ j ][ k ] );
dg = dg > diff ? dg : diff;
As far as I am aware, I am following the rules for using the collapse clause with the #pragma omp for directive, but when I compile it I get the following error:
grid.c: In function ‘grid_update’:
grid.c:202: error: e开发者_StackOverflow社区xpected ‘#pragma omp’ clause before ‘collapse’
make: *** [grid.o] Error 1
What am I doing wrong here? I've tried putting #pragma omp collapse
as a separate directive, but that doesn't work either.
I think collapse was new in OpenMP 3 (2008); is it possible you're using an older compiler that doesn't support it - something older than (say) gcc 4.4?