What is this CronJobs means?
I recently study a newsletter system, there is a Cronjobs like this, I really do not contact linux Cronjobs before, anyone can explain it for me? Thank you very much.
wget -O - -q -t 1 http://www.ynhwebdev.de/newsletter/m开发者_开发技巧ails/sendAll
this command just downloads the web page "http://www.ynhwebdev.de/newsletter/mails/sendAll" which I assume is doing something on the server side (e.g. send some mails?) and sends the result to root (or whoever gets the cron mail)
If you list your cronjobs with
crontab -l
it should show 5 colums like
0 5 * * * wget....
which means it is executed at 05:00 every day.
This isn't actually about programming.
Please read the Cron entry on Wikipedia.