
how to add a class numbered from 4 onwards

I have added classes to all of my elements but I want the classes to start from the number 4(first class is .cc_content_4 and the next .cc_content_5 and so on) so I tried t开发者_运维问答o change the number the counter is set to. It didn't work Any ideas? Here's my code

$(".cc_submenu").find("ul.portfolio-list li").each(function(i){
    i == 4;
    var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
    $('.cc_content .cc_content_'+i).load(href);

You're using i == 4 which is an equality operator, not an assignment. Just change it to i += 4;

$(".cc_submenu").find("ul.portfolio-list li").each(function(i){
    //i == 4; // This part will just return true/false, not change i
    i += 4; // this is what you're looking for.
    var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
    $('.cc_content .cc_content_'+i).load(href);

First and foremost, you are using the equality operator instead of assignment (== instead of =). Second, you could setup a variable outside the each iteration function and then increment the variable by one:

var i = 4;
$(".cc_submenu").find("ul.portfolio-list li").each(function(){
    var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
    $('.cc_content .cc_content_'+i).load(href);
    i += 1;

As a note:

i == 4; - this expression reports either true or false, but the return value is not stored anywhere. This isn't needed for your code.

i = 4; - this expression sets i to 4.

$(".cc_submenu").find("ul.portfolio-list li:gt(3)").each(function(i,value){
    var href = $(this).find("a").attr("href");
    $('.cc_content .cc_content_'+i).load(href);




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