Blinking background rows of TableViewer or TreeViewer in SWT
I need the ability to have a blinking (red, maybe more colors) background for rows in a TableViewer/TreeViewer. What are the best options?
There may be more than one row blinking, the blinking MUST be synchron and I need two blinking modes, f开发者_如何学JAVAast and slow.
I would do something similar to this. Update the elements that you need to change the colors for at a regular interval. At each update toggle the colors depending on how you want them to flash.
void scheduleColorChange(final Color colors[], final int startIndex, final int changeInterval)
getDisplay().timerExec(changeInterval, new Runnable()
public void run()
Object[] elements = getColorChangingElements();
setColorsForFlashingElements(elements, colors[index%colors.length]);
scheduleColorChange(colors, startIndex+1, changeInterval)
and the have you label provider implement IColorProvider.
Howdy, this is a fast hack that shows the idea, improvable in many ways. I show the three classes doing the job. If you want I can provide an exported source plugin ready to install into your eclipse workbench tomorrow. Here are the core classes:
import java.util.TimerTask;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IColorProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITableLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
public class Blinker extends LabelProvider implements ITableLabelProvider, IColorProvider {
private final TableViewer viewer;
public Blinker(TableViewer viewer){
this.viewer = viewer;
// this is just a lousy way to store blink_on/blink_off...
private byte state;
// there must be a better way to get a color...
final static Color red = ColorDescriptor.createFrom(new RGB(255,0,0)).createColor(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay());
final static Color green = ColorDescriptor.createFrom(new RGB(0,255,0)).createColor(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay());
private final TimerTask task = new TimerTask(){
public void run() {
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
private Timer t;
synchronized byte getState(){
return state;
public Image getColumnImage(Object element, int columnIndex) {
return null;
public String getColumnText(Object element, int columnIndex) {
return ((Element) element).text;
public Color getBackground(Object object) {
Element element = (Element) object;
if (element.isBlinking()){
return getState() % 2 == 0 ? :;
} else {
public Color getForeground(Object element) {
return null;
public void start() {
t = new Timer();
t.schedule(task, 200, 1000);
public void stop() {
t = null;
This is a sample model class. Blink state is stored within the object, but you might want to improve this by using some sort of Adapter:
package com.example.blinker;
public class Element {
private boolean blinking;
public final String text;
public Element(String string, boolean b) {
this.text = string;
this.blinking = b;
public synchronized boolean isBlinking(){
return blinking;
public synchronized void setBlinking(boolean b){
this.blinking = b;
public static final Element[] sampledata = new Element[] {
new Element("Merkur", false),
new Element("Venus", true),
new Element("Erde", false),
new Element("Mars", true),
new Element("Jupiter", false),
new Element("Saturn", true),
new Element("Uranus", false),
new Element("Neptun", true),
new Element("Pluto", false),
And finally a TableViewer embedded in a View, making use of the two above:
package com.example.blinker.views;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart;
import com.example.blinker.Blinker;
import com.example.blinker.Element;
public class SampleView extends ViewPart {
public static final String ID = "com.example.blinker.views.SampleView";
private TableViewer viewer;
private Blinker blinker;
class ViewContentProvider implements IStructuredContentProvider {
public void inputChanged(Viewer v, Object oldInput, Object newInput) {}
public void dispose() {}
public Object[] getElements(Object parent) {
return Element.sampledata;
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
viewer = new TableViewer(parent, SWT.MULTI | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL);
viewer.setContentProvider(new ViewContentProvider());
blinker = new Blinker(viewer);
viewer.setInput(new Object());
public void setFocus() {
public void dispose() {
You should have a construction that resembles something like this:
LinkedList<Row> rows = new LinkedList<Row>();
Thread blinker = null;
public void start() {
blinker = new Thread() {
public void run() {
while(!this.interrupted()) {
try {
synchronized (rows) {
for (Row row : rows) {
synchronized (rows) {
for (Row row : rows) {
} catch (InterruptException e) {
public void stop() {
if (blinker != null) {
public void add(Row row) {
synchronized (rows) {
if (!rows.contains(row)) {
public void remove(Row row) {
synchronized (rows) {
When the Shell
displays, it should call start()
. When it disposes, call stop()
Note that I haven't actually tested this; it's some Javaish pseudocode. If you can't set the row color with the suggested setForegroundColor()
above, you could perhaps introduce a widget and define a paint()