
C# datagrid problem with binding

EditVariationWindowModel edit = (EditVariationWindowModel)this.DataContext;

        var datagrid = dataGrid3;

        foreach (Variation variation in edit.SelQuestion.Variations)
            foreach (var parameter in variation.QuestionParameters)
                var binding = new Binding(parameter.Value);
                var column = new DataGridTextColumn();
                column.Header = parameter.Key.Name;
                column.Binding = binding;
 开发者_StackOverflow中文版               datagrid.Columns.Add(column);


so this is my code in the code behind for my datagrid. I work in wpf.

Now what is the problem: I just get one Row but many duplicate column headers(with the right bindings) but as you will understand already, I don't want them next to eachother but under eachother. for example:

not like this

header1 | header2 | header1 | header2|
string1 | string2 | string 1| string2|


 header1 | header2
 string1 | string2
 string1 | string2

Anyone knows how I can solve this?

You have to add first all the columns, and then select them when adding data.

What you're doing is to add a binding with a new column.


What I usually do when I have to Add Rows manually is:

1.- Add DataColumn to DataTable and ColumnStyle to the DataGrid just like:

DataColumn fNameColumn8 = new DataColumn();
fNameColumn8.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");

ColumnStyle myStyleColumn8 = new ColumnStyle(7);
myStyleColumn8.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight;

DataGridTableStyle dataGridTableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();
dataGridTableStyle.MappingName = MAPPINGNAME;


2.- Assign mapping name and name to show to ColumnStyles of dataGrid and Columns of DataTable:

m_dataTable.Columns[8].ColumnName = this.m_strHeader;

((DataGridTextBoxColumn)this.dataGrid.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[8]).MappingName = this.m_strHeader;

((DataGridTextBoxColumn)this.dataGrid.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[8]).HeaderText = this.m_strHeader;

3.- Assign the width of the column in the ColumnStyles of the DataGrid:

((DataGridTextBoxColumn)this.dataGrid.TableStyles[0].GridColumnStyles[8]).Width = 20;

4.- Fill the rows:

DataRow dataRow = this.m_dataTable.NewRow();

dataRow[this.m_strHeader] = "DATA";


You're adding a column definition for each row... WTF?

Here's a decent tutorial on How to Bind a DataGrid to a Collection.

Cheers. Keith.



foreach (var parameter in edit.SelQuestion.Variations.First().QuestionParameters)

to define your grid columns... see: First method

Then (as a seperate step) populate the datagrid by iterating through the Variations... or better still READ the article linked above, and just bind the grid to the collection. No need to mess-about defining columns, and looping through each row... The grid can do ALL that automatically.





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