
CakePHP check if user is logged in inside a view

I have the following code:


    if (!$this->Auth->user())
        echo $this->element('header');
        echo $this->element('header-bar');


inside my view which should show a d开发者_开发知识库ifferent header for logged in users but throws the following error:

Notice (8): Undefined property: View::$Auth [APP/views/layouts/page.ctp, line 17]
Fatal error: Call to a member function user() on a non-object in /Users/cameron/Sites/thehive/app/views/layouts/page.ctp on line 17

How do I fix this? Thanks

You don't need to do $this->set(compact('authUser')); only use this in View:

if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')){
// do something 

As of CakePHP 2.x:

<?php if (AuthComponent::user('id')): ?>
   Logged in as <?= AuthComponent::user('name') ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Note: Also check out meotimdihia's answer below. It's got a lot of upvotes.

The Auth component is for use in the Controller. You'll want to check for authorization in the controller, then set a variable for the view, e.g., $this->set('authUser', $this->Auth->user());. Then in your view you can do:

if (!$authUser)
    echo $this->element('header');

If you want this to be done automatically for all controller methods, you can look into modifying cake/libs/controller/app_controller.php so that it includes the Auth component.

To summarize the answers on this page, evaluate one of the following based on which version of CakePHP you are using:

For version 1.x


For version 2.x


For version 3.x


For version 4.x, using the Authentication component


This works in Cakephp 3+ (juts modify: "Auth.User.username" to suit your session data)


if (is_null($this->request->session()->read('Auth.User.username'))) {

    echo "....logged out";

} else {

    echo "You are Logged in As " . $this->request->session()->read('Auth.User.username'); 



its been a while that I have used CakePHP but as far as I can remember CakePHP doesn't support Auth in View. What you can do of course is set a variable in the controller to use it in the view

   class AppController {
     function beforeFilter(){

and then use it in the view like this


or you can use the AuthHelper written by Ritesh Agrawal



I think if it comes to only test if somebody is logged in @webbiedave's answer is better MVC style wise.

Nevertheless if you have to access userdata in view the just extract the userinfo from Auth component and set it in the controller as I showed you and use it in the view


Try this

class AppController extends Controller{
    $this->user = false;

   public function beforeFilter(){
     $this->user = $this->Auth->user();

   public function beforeRender(){

Now You can check $logged_user in the view as

  // users logged in $logged_user have all the details
  // not logged in

in cakephp 3 you can check authentication session in the view like this

//do when login
 //do not login

If it helps anyone out in cakephp version 3.7.8 session has been depriciated to getSession so to update Lee Nielsen's comment

if (is_null($this->request->getSession()->read('Auth.User.username'))) {

echo "....logged out";

} else {

echo "You are Logged in As " . $this->request->getSession()->read('Auth.User.username'); 


For cakephp 4.2.6 Strawberry with Auth Component

        // Note: Change email param to yours
        if (is_null($this->request->getSession()->read('Auth')->email)) {
            <?= $this->Html->link(__('Login'), [ 'action' => 'login','controller' => 'Users']) ?>

        } else { ?>
            <?= $this->Html->link(__('Logout'), [ 'action' => 'logout','controller' => 'Users']) ?>
        <?php }

You need to set the user details from a controller, preferably the AppController which is inherited by all controllers across your site. Create/amend your app_controller.php to contain this beforeFilter(); method.

class AppController extends Controller {

function beforeFilter() {
    $user = $this->Auth->user();

This will set a var called $user to the views which will be empty if the user is not logged in, or contain their data if they are.

//In the views (or layout)

//In controller

I found something worth mentioning, In CakePHP 3.x session handler is deprecated,

if we want to access session in view, we can do it via request handler. we have to use

   // For CakePHP 3.x to access all user information

  // For CakePHP 3.x to check session
  if($this->request->session()->read('Auth.User.id')) {





验证码 换一张
取 消

