
Fill array with another array

I got a trouble here! I have a function that verify an XML file for errors. If the function finds it, I save the errors in one Array to print the errors after the successfull (non error) results.

But to print the errors, for each loop, I print a div, showing the errors, but these DIV's must be printed at all and showing all errors found! I dont know if that was very clear, but i'll show a bit of code to help the understanding.

Here, I put inside the array all the errors

$value = the results inside the error search on the XML
foreach($values as $founderrors){
            $founderrors= array($valores);

Ok, now here i have this:

 if ($values["erro"]==true) {

            $divErro1 = '<div> lololol </div>';

$erros = array($divErro1,$divErro2);

           foreach($valores as $testeste){
            $testeste = array($erros);
         return true;

That is where i fill the "Div errors"

And down the code i have this:


To print the array!

Bu开发者_高级运维t it only shows the last "Error Div"! I think he's replacing the found divs and showing the last one only, when i need to print all divs containing all errors. Ah, just ignore the content of the Div, there's another code inside it to show the respective error.

Could anyone give me a help? Thanks a lot! =]

You're not filling your arrays correctly, have a look at


to learn more about arrays.

For example:

$testeste = array($erros);

Here your overriding whatever $testeste was before, with array($erros). So you're not actually collecting anything.

If you want to collect data in an array, you'll have to add to the array, like for example

$testeste[] = $erros;


array_push($testeste, $erros);

You can populate arrays using []. For example:

if ($values["erro"]==true) {

$divErro1 = '<div> lololol </div>';

$erros = array($divErro1,$divErro2);

foreach($valores as $testeste){
    $testeste[] = $erros;

return true;




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