
Is it possible to place custom values (properties) in ejb-jar.xml?

1) We are using OpenEJB (both embedded and standalone) with a few deployed EJBs. We would like to specify some simple static business rules and values (example: icon_size=200). Normally, we would put them in a regular properties file (example: rules.properties). Since we shouldn't access the file s开发者_JAVA技巧ystem directly while inside the application server, is is possible to place those key-value pairs somewhere inside the ejb-jar.xml?

2) If not, is there a standard mechanism to do this? What is it?


Use env-entry. In XML:


In annotation:

int icon_size;

I personally just use a .properties file; well a TernarySearchTree which reads in .properties and .XML files and allows quick retrieval. These files are available at application level. However you can in EJB 3 inject env-entry elements into your EJB. This link explains it in good detail Injection of env entry

There are some OpenEJB extensions here that might be useful.


Check out the Custom Injection example which is basically allows the <env-entry> to be specified as plain properties in a META-INF/env-entries.properties file. Nice for collapsing all those name & value pairs into a simple properties file. Internally, we just generate the xml for you using those properties. The default type is always java.lang.String, which is good for this next part.

java.beans.PropertyEditor support

Any <env-entry> which is of <env-entry-type> java.lang.String will automatically have its type converted using the VM java.beans.PropertyEditor for the target type. That's also how Spring does the converting. There are few built-in converters, such as @Resource java.util.Date myDate and @Resource java.io.File myFile





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