LInux sort/uniq apache log
I have small file (100) lines of web request(apache std format) there are multiple request from clients. I want to ONLY have a list of request(lines) in my file that comes from a UNIQUE IP and is the latest entry
开发者_JS百科I have so far /home/$: cat all.txt | awk '{ print $1}' | sort -u | "{print the whole line ??}"
The above gives me the IP's(bout 30 which is right) now i need to have the rest of the line(request) as well.
Use an associative array to keep track of which IPs you've found already:
awk '{
if (!found[$1]) {
}' all.txt
This will print the first line for each IP. If you want the last one then:
awk '
{ found[$1] = $0 }
for (ip in found)
print found[ip]
' all.txt
I hate that unique doesn't come with the same options as sort, or that sort cannot do what it says, I reckon this should work[1],
tac access.log | sort -fb -k1V -u
but alas, it doesn't;
Therefore, it seems we're stuck at doing something silly like
cat all.txt | awk '{ print $1}' | sort -u | while read ip
tac all.txt | grep "^$ip" -h | head -1
Which is really inefficient, but 'works' (haven't tested it: module typo's then)
[1] according to the man-page
The following should work:
tac access.log | sort -f -k1,1 -us
This takes the file in reverse order and does a stable sort using the first field, keeping only unique items.