
iphone data handling - Storage and retrival

Dear All,

Now am developing offline examination kind of application, here it has different kind of sections and parts of questions for example it has Objective type question and answer , fill in the blanks, voice listening and answering, Read the paragraph and answer etc...

Here how to store this enormous data inside the application and what is the best way to implement it.

  1. if i am converting all the data into XML means how to structure the questions and answers in XML. ?

  2. if SQLlite or core data 开发者_高级运维means how to structure the DB. ?

  3. using plist..?

Any suggestions and ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Store the data in application with any way. But it depends on size of data.

If you store large data, then Sqlite is the best way.

For Sqlite,

  • http://technologyservants.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:shopping-list-an-iphone-sqlite-tutorial&catid=13:opinion&Itemid=21

  • http://mobileorchard.com/iphone-sqlite-tutorials-and-libraries/

  • http://www.icodeblog.com/2008/08/19/iphone-programming-tutorial-creating-a-todo-list-using-sqlite-part-1/

  • Where's the best SQLite 3 tutorial for iPhone-SDK?

You need to use Core Data with an SQLite persistent store. Core Data excels at handling both size and complexity in data models. See my answer to a similar question for details

There is a learning curve to Core Data but once you understand it, it makes writing complex apps very easy.

Finally i decide to use HTML to load questions into uiwebview and sqlite for storing answers.





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