
Problem solving related to Object oriented programming concepts [closed]

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For quiet sometime now I have been working on improving my algo skills because its a requirement to clear interviews in companies like google, amazon etc. But recently I came across questions on object oriented programming concepts being asked in amazon interviews. I being a programmer in C doesn't know much about oops. Any sort of help like good books, links to improve these skills will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I started with the first edition of Tim Budd's "An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming". It was language agnostic, so I learned the concepts, not the implementations.

The third edition is now out.

Once you have a grip on the OO concepts I would read some of the basic OO principles outlined by Robert Martin:


These principles really give Object Orientation a purpose and I bet would be excellent for any interview for a developer position.

Read the GoF to start to truly understand design pattern solutions in OOP.

I suggest "Head first" series for beginners.

 1. Head first - OOAD 
 2. Head first - design patterns.

Once you feel you are comfortable with the concepts, you can read Gang of four book on Design patterns & OOAD





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