android: IPC remove listener
I used this tutorial to create my own :remote service. It works, but with one problem: I can't remove listener. The trace is:
onServiceConnected add listener: net.ServiceGP$1@4493016开发者_JAVA百科8
(from my main activity, when I do the following:
bindService(i, serviceConnection, 0);
Then form the service:
Adding new listener [net.bgtask.ServiceListener$Stub$Proxy@44916d30]... new listener size = 1
Then I press back button and:
onDestroy of main activity, removing listener: net.ServiceGP$1@44930168
And form the service:
Removing listener [net.bgtask.ServiceListener$Stub$Proxy@44917440]... new listener size = 1
Weird...In activity I have the same object, but in the service different ones. WHY so?
Problem in this example (compare link) is that a list is used for the listener collection
private List<TweetCollectorListener> listeners = new ArrayList<TweetCollectorListener>();
instead of
private RemoteCallbackList<TweetCollectorListener> listeners = new RemoteCallbackList<TweetCollectorListener>();
with the corresponding
(1) listeners.register(listener);
(2) listeners.unregister(listener);
instead of
(1) listeners.add(listener);
(2) listeners.remove(listener);
The argument (seem to me) not to be reference to the same Listener, but RemoteCallbackList handles this problem.