Browser compatible NodeJS templating
I am looking to reuse templates I write for NodeJS in the browser, by this I hope to gain fast page loading time (initial rendering), and dynamic content switching ability, etc...
This would be most natural on Node, any ideas of compatible templating engines?
By the way, I like the HAML style syntax, so anything HAML based is a huge plus.
Thanks! Roman
Edit: I think that I like the approach of Mustache the most, it works with Express 开发者_开发知识库and also in client side.. will update here on how the implementation went..
Jade is excellent, very similar to HAML and compiles down to JavaScript for browser usage :)
See the README on the Github repo for details.
Jade is also the semi-officially recommended template language for the currently most popular web framework for Node, Express (in fact, they share authors), so it looks like a solid choice to me.
I recently evaluated a lot of NodeJS template libraries and ended up picking Jade.
I've made a simple example of using Jade in the browser. The fun stuff happens in demo.js, and you can also view index.jade which contains the basic page markup.
EJS works in the browser and with express out of the box. Admittedly the syntax is not HANL style nor is particularly feature rich but you can easily get it to work.
I've also used a simple technique to re-use templates and views on both client and server and it works reasonably well
Which is pretty much all the best templates lined up to test in the browser.
(also @Raynos it includes an example of jade in the browser)
Personally I use Jade, combined with stylus and jquery I only use css selectors.
But. . . as you can see from the chart Jade doesn't get along with firefox 3 or opera.
You could try weld that has implementation in server side and client side.
node-jqtpl is your best bet. It's a port of jQuery Templates, so 100% reusable in the browser.
There is a command-like utility TplCpl written in Node.js that allows to compile Jade templates for browser use.