Method Inspection Squeak/Smalltalk
I am trying to do some method inspection (in Squeak - Smalltalk).
I wanted to ask what is the way to check if a method is an abstract method? Meaning I want to write, A method which gets a class and a symbol and will check if there is such a symbol in the list of methods in an object which is of this class type and if found will return true if abstrac开发者_StackOverflow中文版t (else not). How can I check if a method is an abstract method or not?
Thanks in advance.
A method is abstract (in the sense Java or C++ people mean) if it looks like this:
self subclassResponsibility.
So all you need to do to answer "is MyObject>>#myMethod
abstract?" is to answer "is MyObject>>#myMethod
a sender of #subclassResponsibility
You can answer that question by adding this method to Object:
isMethodAbstract: aSelector on: aClass
^ (self systemNavigation allCallsOn: #subclassResponsibility)
anySatisfy: [:each | each selector == aSelector
and: [each classSymbol == aClass name]]
or simply evaluating this in a Workspace (with suitable replacements for #samplesPerFrame
and SoundCodec
of course):
(SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: #subclassResponsibility)
anySatisfy: [:each | each selector == #samplesPerFrame
and: [each classSymbol == SoundCodec name]]
You can use
(aClass>>aMethod) isAbstract
but it only works if aClass actually contains the method aMethod, and does not work for superclasses.
So you'll have to check it recursively, similarly to how canUnderstand: works.
While I don't know what your ultimate goal is, the Pharo code critics will identify methods where subclass responsibility is not defined. This may already be what you want to do. On the other hand, it's also worth checking out how that test is implemented to see whether you can use some or all of the existing code.