How to check if all values for liquid template are provided?
I have liquid templates stored in DB and before rendering, I would like to check, if all params required by the tem开发者_C百科plate are provided - by now I found something like:
parsed = Liquid::Template.parse(string_with_template)
required = parsed.instance_values["root"].instance_values["nodelist"].select{ |v| v.is_a?(Liquid::Variable) }.map(&:name)
and then before rendering I have a function
def has_all_required?(liquid_params, required)
keys = liquid_params.keys
required.each{|e| return false unless keys.include?(e) }
return true
Is there a cleaner way to achieve this validation?
Thanks for all suggestions, Santuxus
I just did something similar and use a custom validator against my template body when I create the template, eg
validates :body, :presence => true, :email_template => true
then I have a EmailTemplateValidator which validates fields against the template type eg
def validate_each(object, attribute, value)
case object.template_type
when 'registration'
# registration_welcome emails MUST include the activation_url token
if !value.include?('{{activation_url}}')
object.errors[attribute] << 'Registration emails must include the {{activation_url}} token'
the plan then is to add new case blocks to the validator as new templates are required in the app with the tokens that they must contain.